
Best Luxury Products To Gift For Christmas

Christmas is one of the most awaited festivals all across the globe. Thanks to the predominance of Catholics in the world. Christmas preparations and the countdown begin months prior to the big day. The festival is celebrated in the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ. The first time Christmas was recorded to be celebrated was in 336 AD by the Romans under the rule of King Constantine. From then on, the day was declared holy and now Christmas is celebrated not just among Catholics, but by people across the globe belonging to other religions. Christmas is not just about the great Jesus Christ, but one more significant personality, St. Nicholas, who is known for giving off gifts as Santa Claus on this day!

Not many know that there’s a great history behind the tradition of gifting on Christmas, it’s not just to make sure that kids behave well. In the golden year when Christ was born, gifts were presented to baby Christ to ensure his happiness and also, as a respect and reverence to the Son of God i.e. Jesus Christ. Hence, the tradition of gifting the kids on the 25th of December, Christmas started. Well, it’s no longer just the kids who get gifts. You can gift your kith and kin on this day too! After all, we all are the children of God and do celebrate Christmas one way or the other. Kids and adults all wait for this time of the year eagerly waiting for what they will receive.

As time changes, the preferences and lifestyle of man have changed massively from the first time Christmas was celebrated. It all started with gifts such as sweets, jam jars, cookies, dolls, wooden toy cars, bouquets of flowers, Christmas adornments, or money bills. As the market expanded and there were more heterogenous products available in the market. Newer and more celebrated items were gifted for Christmas such as Christmas carol records, clothing, heirlooms watches, and bracelets. Now if you walk into the store with Christmas around the corner, everything you see for sale is Christmas-themed and giftable right from home essentials to personal care. 

The ‘Luxury Gifts’ Trend

With the change in mindsets, the way people looked at luxury also changed. Initially, it was a term defining goods and experiences which were unattainable by the common man such as cruises, labeled apparel, fine dining, etc. As for now, the expense of living has increased along with the value of money. Luxury is no more about the unattainable it’s a choice, a choice of a high-standard lifestyle offering quality and expensive goods and experiences. The luxe trend is very much a way of life nowadays, depending on the interests and choices of people. Eg, if you are a makeup freak then you will go in for buying your makeup from the top luxe brand. The same goes for all preferred choices in different categories.

We struggle day in and day out to pick the right Christmas products to gift our loved ones. Why not go for luxe items this year? 

Here’s why you should gift luxury products on Christmas!

  • Luxury gifts create a high impression on the receiver
  • They are memorable due to high value
  • Luxe products are expensive and offer high-quality commodities
  • Luxury gifting is a step ahead then the basics, this makes them unique
  • And last but not the least, it keeps the Christmas spirit alive by leaving the receiver awestruck with the famous brand name.

These were a few benefits of gifting luxe products on Christmas. Not just on Christmas, but on any notable occasion.

Let’s have a look at the different luxury products you can gift for Christmas!

Gone are the days when only, certain products were considered a luxury. But now the luxe category falls under all product sets. Here are some that will add to the Christmas delight. Go on and take your pick for Christmas 2022

Skincare products

Christmas falls in winter. We all know the different skin problems that might hit us along with those chills. Go for high-end skincare products from brands such as Creamart, the natural skincare brand. And give your special someone the gift of smooth and healthy skin. Make skincare a priority and celebrate Christmas without any worries for your skin.

Antique articles

There’s a pawn shop everywhere. It’s not visited a lot on usual days such as Christmas. For those who don’t know what a pawn shop is, it’s where you can attain old and vintage genuine articles at rates according to the era of the article you want to gift. A pawn shop offers everything antique ranging from ornaments to decor to books and other olden things.


Apparels are the first product category to be hit by the luxe storms. You can go for gifting gender-specific high-end perfumes, wallets, watches, bags & purses much more to up the Christmas look. Here the luxe quality lies in the brand the apparel belongs to and the price of the product and not in the availability or experience, as they may vary.

Handcrafted exotic goods

The days of gifting handmade goods aren’t gone, they still make unique gifts. As long as they aren’t made by you they can be considered a part of the luxe community. You can go for gifting Christmas delicacies, paintings, handcrafted bath products, clothing, handicrafts, ornaments, and much more. Gift something that shows the effort, gift something handmade.

Luxe Beauty Products

We talked of skincare, but before luxe skincare was introduced, there were beauty product players entering the luxe products. Big makeup brands and global makeup brands are the ones that as considered luxe beauty product providers. As expressed earlier, it is all in the name and presentation, that makes the makeup luxe.

Classic Books

Gifting books is an age-old Christmas tradition that hasn’t still lost its charm. After all, books are considered the treasure of the world. To pass on that classy vibe you can gift your dear ones, vintage classic books, and novels related to Christmas or even timeless evergreen classics. Books are surely considered unique gifts.

Fancy Tech

Convenience is a trait of luxury and thanks to the advancement in science and technology there are newer gadgets we start depending on from day to day, to make our lives easier. Gift something smart or go IOT, your wish, but expensive and innovative tech will surely never miss impressing the receiver.

High-end decor

Do you wish to gift something more generic yet high-end? Then without a doubt, luxe doctor is your go-to pick. It can be something traditional and vintage or something expensive and modern. Each time someone sees the decor you gift, they will remember you. So, go on and gift that chandelier or something Christmassy, and make an everlasting impact. 


Thinking of the ideal gift for your lady love this Christmas? Go ahead and get her a piece of her preferred type of Jewellery, whether Christmas-themed or not! Jewels are a girl’s, first love! Go ahead and get some real jewelry or go for the vintage crystal adornments. Jewelry is a timeless gift for any occasion and is always looked upon.

Wellness Products

Are you a fitness freak? Or is your dear one a wellness fanatic? Then go ahead and gift them something likewise this Christmas. Great health is after all luxury building your immune system against major fatalities. The gift of good health will not just keep them healthy but also benefit them in the long run and they can’t lose it!!

Seasonal Plants

You might have observed around you. Plants are considered a sophisticated gift, marking the gifter to be sensitive to the environment and caring about space aesthetics. This Christmas you can gift your kith and kin the famous Christmas tree and other winter plants that will bring their household or workspace to life with a sense of responsibility of nurturing.

Luxury Chocolates

Everybody loves chocolates, people of all ages. In today’s time, toffees and candies aren’t the only chocolates gifted on Christmas. You would have surely seen that counter with the large-size bars and the expensive chocolates, that are claimed to be handcrafted or have something special in them. Buy your friends and family some Christmas special treats!


You must certainly consider gifting on Christmas it will strengthen the bond and also spread joy. But remember to gift something that is likable and has a Christmas spirit or the winter feels attached to it.  It is highly advisable to gift varied commodities in accordance with the different dynamics of the receiver such as toys and chocolates to the kids, romantic goods or decor or kitchen appliances to your partner and etc. The list goes on as the relations change. Be confident and go for each one’s favorites, the Christmas style. A very merry Christmas to you all!

Creamart is a rising luxe brand providing the best-in-class natural skincare products in the country. We get you bath and body products crafted with vegan ingredients and plant extracts to give your skin the best of health and feel. Our notable products are- The Eccentric Fragrance Moisturizer and Multipurpose Body Oil among others. We deeply believe in the Make in India concept and get you a self-sustained complete brand with high-quality, chemical-free skincare products. Refine your skin and get a flawless Christmas look with Creamart!

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